Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Did I?

Did I?
My heart races.

My mind swirls.

With all these thoughts.

Breathing heavily;

I only can think one thing,

"What just happened?"

Did I just give in?

Should I follow my heart?

Let these lustful thoughts come true?

Him, Gothic.

Me, Christian.

They do say how oppisites attract.

Completely oppisite.

Different aspects in our lives.

Telling us apart seems all to easy.

Why is it that all this seems so confusing?

The way it lays out,

Me being Christian,

Him being Goth,

I just don't know why I think this way.

It isn't right,

I know I shouldn't,

I tell myself never will this happen.

It's just not possible.

Not logical.

Why does my heart tell me these stories?

Why when I look at him I see us together?

Is it true,

At least in this case,

Do oppisites really attract?

My head doesn't know,

My heart can't speak to me.

I take a look at him,

Such a rebel,

Such a turn on to me.

My heart races when I think of him
My mind swirls with thoughts of him.

-By: Jenessa Fisk (Me)

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